Asphalt is strong and versatile. Rain, sleet, snow, it doesn't matter. Have hundreds of cars and trucks moving through your property every day? No problem. Blacktop can support the day-to-day grind of vehicular traffic, as well as the myriad weather conditions that Minnesota throws at us.
Along with strength and flexibility, blacktop parking lots are extremely durable - often lasting for several decades. Maintenance costs are low as the main issue you're likely to come across are small cracks. Fortunately, these cracks are easily remedied with a trip to the hardware store and a little elbow grease. With even minimal maintenance, the integrity of your blacktop parking lot will remain intact for years to come.
Part of the reason maintenance costs for blacktop paving are so low is that water runoff, snow, and stains from vehicle fluids are not a problem: water doesn't filter down through asphalt; plowing and shoveling are easy; and a standard cleaning will take care of any oil stains. Contact us today in Cold Spring, St. Augusta, Zimmerman, Buffalo, St. Cloud, Elk River, MN or the Central, MN area.